Friday, September 12, 2014

Mulu, Malaysia

I seldom heard other travelers talk about Gunung Mulu National Park. I have to assume this is because it's quite remote and out of the way because this place was amazing. A beautiful untouched rainforest surrounds tons of limestone formations and a vast network of massive caves including the largest cave chamber in the world. No wonder this is place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Lagangs Cave 

(A lot of crouching and crawling)

(baby birds)

Racer Cave
This is an intermediate cave where the guide judges your ability and decides whether or not you will be allowed to go on the advanced cave expedition into Clear Water Connection

(The Racer snake gives the cave its name)

Deer and Langs Cave

(Climbing through Guano!)

(Is that Abraham Lincoln?)

(Cave worms)

Nature Night Walk
It's amazing how much you see going for walk in the early night with a flashlight.

Clear Water Connection
This is the advanced adventure cave which takes you through 5 kilometers of dark adventure. Giant chambers are broken up by tiny squeezes. Danger always seems to be a step away on the crazy terrain and slippery rocks with drop offs sometimes on both sides. The last portion of the cave is submerged in water forcing you to take the plunge. This was the most challenging and awesome caving experience of my life.

Mulu in the Daylight

(millions of bats swarm out of Deer Cave every afternoon)

(strangest bugs I have ever seen)

(waterfall and swimming hole)

(Outside our Hostel)

(Viper Snake, very poisonous) 

(This river is the main transportation to all the caves)

(Every day we showered in the refreshing river)

Karaoke Night!
(Drinking Rice whine is a good way to pass the nights in this very very small town)

Saying Goodbye
Finally it was time to say goodbye. Feeling satisfied by our experience in Mulu the 

1 comment:

  1. Great. you did Mulu! and you saw the snake, really amazing pics hey! respect.
