Sunday, July 27, 2014

Semporna, Malaysia

About Semporna
Semporna is a small town located on the east coast of Sabah, Malaysia. Many people pass through this town to catch a ride out to Mabul and Sipadan for some world class diving. 

The town consists of:

 a big mosque

Local markets

Fish Markets

Accommodation and food
There are some budget placed to stay such as Scuba Junkie (50MR) or Semporna Global Backpackers (25MR) (1USD=3.2MR). Many places serving Indian, Chinese, Malay, and sea food can be found all over. 

Walk around and book some diving at one of the 15 dive shops in town. Other than planning your diving excursions there is not much else to do here besides eat and sleep. There is one bar with a pool table and an incomplete set of pool. 

If you have the courage you could walk into a a random house and make friends with a giant family :)

Garbage lines the streets in the smelly town of Semporna and the dumpsters overflow with garbage that has been torn apart by scavengers. I would not spend too much time here but the diving is a must and you will need to pass through the port of Semporna to get to the Islands.